Local consultant - Psychological Trainer consultant
Local consultant - Psychological Trainer consultant
Project: ‘Improving access of children with disabilities to quality multidisciplinary rehabilitation services in the Gaza
Strip, Co-funded by CIDA and AFD.Handicap International (HI) is an independent international aid organization working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster, working alongside persons with disabilities and other vulnerable groups. Handicap International is active in the occupied Palestinian territory since 1996; HI gives the priority to the development of capacities of disable person's organizations at local, national, and regional level. HI aims at developing the mechanisms and capacities to enhance access to services and supporting initiatives to remove barriers and enhancing inclusiveness of the community development process. In addition to that HI gives priority to emergency response through development of capacities and contingency plans with relevant partners for a quick reaction in case a crisis occurs.
Through the project “Improving access of children with disabilities to quality multidisciplinary rehabilitation services in the Gaza Strip” HI is aiming to reduce the extreme vulnerability of Children with disabilities in Gaza by improving the access to essential rehabilitation services and in particular the functional and psychological support services.
The project has four components: providing quality psychological and functional rehabilitation & follow up services to Children with Cerebral Palsy/Multiple Disabilities (CwCP/MD) by well trained and technically empowered multidisciplinary outreach teams of partners’ organizations. Empowering families of CWCP/MD to ensure their basic and preventive follow up to their children rehabilitation process, improving the access of CwCP/MD to other needed and demanded services through strengthened referral networks’ mechanisms. In addition to supporting partner organizations in identifying and planning their organizational development needs to ensure the sustainability of their rehabilitation services to CwCP/MD.
Process of the required service:
Within the previously mentioned project, HI is willing to recruit a Psychological trainer consultant to conduct training to a 3 groups of parents of CwCP/MD, who are benefiting from partners rehabilitation services in Gaza Strip.
Project partners:
1-Baitona for community development- Baitona- North Gaza
2-Palestine Avenir for Childhood Foundation- PACF- Gaza City
3-National Society for Rehabilitation- NSR- Middle Area
The project involves the set up of 3 groups of parents of CwCP/MD. The group will receive training on facilitation of group therapy and peer to peer counseling skills. With the support and follow up of HI partners psychologists the trained parents will be able to facilitate the peer to peer sessions for other parents of CwCP/MD by themselves.
The psychosocial trainer consultant will support partners’ psychologists to be able to provide the following service on sustainable basis in the future:
-Develop ToR for 15 parents of CwCP/MD in the three governorates, includes parents selection criteria, roles and obligations to participate in peer to peer facilitation activity,
-Support HI and partner’s psychologist in the selection of 15 parents of CwCP/MD for interviews.
-Conduct a training needs assessment for the selected 15 parents of CwCP/MD who will participate in the training
-Conduct a pre and post training assessment for the 15 parents of CwCP/MD who will participate in the training.
-Develop (20) hours training plan and material for each group, including presentations and hand out materials for each group and share it with HI.
-Support HI partner’s psychologists in developing adapted training manual to be used by the trained parents in facilitating the peer to peer sessions.
-Conduct (20) training hours' course to each of the 3 groups of parents of CwCP/MD in the three working areas of partners organizations.
Expected outputs of the training:
The participants are expected to acquire knowledge in:
-Cerebral palsy, early detection and intervention.
-Stress management, and leadership skills.
-Counseling basics and communication skills TOT.
-The impact of disability on the families of CwCP/MD.
The partners’ psychologists are expected to acquire knowledge in:
-Organizing and facilitating the training of CwCP/MD parents on peer to peer facilitation.
-Identify in cooperation with HI and partner organizations the 15 parent’s selection criteria’s.
-Submit to HI the training need assessment report.
-Submit to HI the training plan and related materials for review and validation.
-Submit to HI and partner organizations the training final report.
Overall Goal
The extreme vulnerability of Children with disabilities in Gaza is reduced through a greater access to essential services.
Specific Objective:
The physical and psychological needs and demands of children with cerebral palsy and multiple disabilities are adequately addressed by disability service providers, parents/family members, and local multi-stakeholder referral systems
1-Higher education degree in psychology.
2-Technical expertise on ToT, psychosocial support.
3-Good background on disability, mainly on cerebral palsy
4-Good understanding and application of adult learning methods.
5-At least Five years of relevant work experience, preferable in the field of research and education in psychology in addition to field experience in outreach rehabilitation sitting.
6-Good understanding of disability social model and rights based approach.
7-Willingness to travel to the field
8-Excellent communication skills
9-Good organizational skills
10-Ability to work under pressure and within a team
11-Ability to handle multiple assignments and meet deadlines.
12-Positive, innovative, inspirational and problem solving attitude.
13-Excellent skills in English (writing).
The Service provision contract is for 60 training hours divided on 3 groups of parents of CwCP/MD in North Gaza, Gaza City and middle area, each group benefited from 20 training hours.
-According to the following timetable, the Psychological trainer consultant is going to provide his/her services during the following Schedule:
Training needs assessment for each group should be shared with HI & its 3 partner organization.
Training materials and plans should be submitted to HI in advance to the implementation for revision and approval by HI and partners.
Final training report for each group, should be shared with HI & its 3 partner organizations
Within the framework of the service provision, the psychology trainer consultant will be asked to collaborate with Handicap International’s Access to Services Team and in particular the referral system officer who will be the focal contact person for this service support & follow up.
The interested candidates shall provide Handicap International with an offer including full proper price quote and financial expectations according to the services proposed. The time frame shall be fitting with the one defined by Handicap International in the time frame & work plan section and take into consideration the following points :
-Prices shall be in English and with ILS currency.
-Prices shall be inclusive of VAT
-Price shall be inclusive of transportation and communication fees
-Payment terms shall be mentioned.
Interested candidates should send their CVs and summarized training outlines with the reference (Psychological Trainer Consultant) to hr.opt
Handicap International is an equal opportunity employer and particularly welcomes applications from persons with disabilities
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