Terms of reference
Terms of reference
The East Jerusalem YMCA -Women’s Training Program is partnering with DanChurch Aid in the implementation of
-Background information
Women in Palestine remain a marginalized group who suffer discrimination in most spheres of life be they economic, social, cultural or political. This marginalization starts early in life, which for Palestinian women keeps them outside of the economic/political spheres and relegates them more to the domestic sphere.
In the economic sphere, women hold little or often no role in the decision making processes.
-“Despite the high and successful secondary school enrolment of women, which generally correlates positively with female work, women’s labor force participation (15+ years) remains low, accounting for only 15.2% of the formal labor force (17.6% in the West Bank, 11% in Gaza).[1]
-35 to 50% of university enrolments in West Bank/Gaza are women but this does not translate on labor market, as 88% of women are outside the labor force compared to 29% for men.[2]
-The vast majority of the female labor force (65.6%) were wage workers, 20.7% unpaid family members, 11.5% self-employed and 2.2% employers.[3]
-In comparison with men, women are disadvantaged in terms of wages and social security benefits and there are unequal barriers for women entrepreneurs in terms of property and inheritance rights, access to credit, penal liability and the availability of child care facilities.[4]
To help address this issue DanChurchAid (DCA), together with its partners the East Jerusalem YMCA (EJ YMCA), Woman’s Center for legal Aid and Counseling (WCLAC) and Women’s Affairs Center (WAC) in Gaza, puts a needed focus on women’s continued denial of inheritance rights in Palestine. The project is supported by the European Commission with EUR 1.474.704 and by Danida to secure women’s rights to inheritance in the whole of Palestine. The project started 1st of May 2013 and will run for three years under the title of action Inheritance Denied II: Promoting Palestinian Women's social and economic rights through encouraging access to inheritance.
The project includes:
-Capacity building of local community based organizations to lead campaigns on women’s property rights issues.
-Capacity building for state and non-state actors.
-Legal aid for women who’s inheritance is endangered through a network between CBOs, lawyers and journalists.
-National campaign on women’s right to inheritance
-Awareness raising through educational sessions.
contract purpose and Expected results
Overall objective:
The East Jerusalem Young Men Christian Association is currently seeking to contract a consultant or consultancy company to train:
1-10 lawyers during October 2013: Train them to take role in conducting workshops of teachers/state & non-state actors. Training will be for 2 days, 8 hoursday, training will take place in Ramallah.
2-150 Religious people, community leaders, Shari's Counselors and mediators. Half of them before April 2014 and the other half before April 2015, in 10 different groups/sessions with 15 persons in each session, 2 days 12 hours,training will take place in different governorates.
To train the two groups on gender mainstreaming and laws related to inheritance and religion, and actual practices.
The training is expected to equip the target groups and preparing them to be more sensitive in working with women and help better equip/ empower women in promoting their economic interests.
Training subjects are:
1-Basic gender training.
2-Case studies and dealing with gender issues.
3-Current inheritance law applications.
4-Preparing court gender sensitive reports.
Expected RESULTS:
1-To develop the level of knowledge of target groups.
2-To increase gender sensitivity in dealing with women's inheritance cases.
3-To increase the skill level of conducting advocacy/ lobbying on women's behalf.
4-To change attitudes and practices towards women rights.
timing, logisitics and facilities
-The contract will commence October, 2013.
-The training for lawyers will be based in Ramallah though participants will be representing all governorates.
-Training for the lawyers will take place in October 2013, for two days 8 hours per day.
-Training for the Religious People: 10 training courses ( two days, 6 hours per day) for 10 different groups from governorates starting November 2013 till April 2015.
Consultants can submit a quotation to either of the trainings ( training of lawyers / religious people) or to both of them in accordance to qualifications, expertise and previous experience.
The Contracting Authority reserves the right to accept all or part of your quotation, whichever is in its best suits the objectives of the training.
The Contracting Authority will provide all relevant logistics on this Action as trainees, place and stationary needed.
-Higher education in law and Islamic law especially inheritance issues.
-Education in gender studies.
-Knowledge and experience on ToT skills.
-Knowledge and experience in Palestinian law in regard to Inheritance.
-Familiar with the Palestinian context and women status.
-Be committed to the project throughout the full period for the full training hours.
-Ability to communicate with different educational backgrounds and ages.
-Ability to move within the project sites.
-Willingness to promote women rights.
-Demonstrated initiative and self motivation.
-Excellent communication skills (written and spoken) in Arabic and preferably English
The consultant is expected to submit a detailed report after concluding each session to report against purpose, assumption and expected results.
Download Applocation form
The deadline for submission of the proposal is no later than Monday, 15:00 hour local time, on 14/10/2013 to the following e-mail:
ej-ymca.org or could by fax 02-2959332
[1]Passia Diary 2011, Women in the Labor Force, pg. .350.
[2] COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT - Accompanying the COMMUNICATION FROM THE COMMISSION TO THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND THE COUNCIL Implementation of the European Neighborhood Policy in 2008 - Progress Report the occupied Palestinian territory – Brussels – 4/23/2009 – SEC (2009)
[3] Passia Diary 2011, Women in the Labor Force pg. 350
[4] Passia Diary 2006, Women in the Labor Force, pg. .307.
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